• Talk about gilding the lily. Wonderful new asparagus sprouting up in the garden, full of flavor, makes its annual appearance now, and for a few weeks we regale ourselves on it. Asparagus picked just a few moments earlier, gently steamed or lightly sauted in butter and olive oil, really needs nothing more added. wholesale nba jerseys from china For the…

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  • The farm uses storm water runoff from the Warhill High School complex that has been filtered and cleaned by two wetland systems anda restored stream. This water is then pumped from a retention pond on the WISC site for storage in two 2,500 gallon cisterns. The recycled rainwater is then distributed to community gardeners to water their plants through a…

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  • But it’s not just the 9ers fueling my prediction. Around that division, Arizona seems okay, but the Seahawks have let go most of their championship defense, which could end very, very badly for them. The Rams got an easy schedule last year, and they gave up 34 points to the 49ers in week 17, only to be eliminated by the…

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